For The Dreamers


Daryl and John, Elton and Bernie, Paul and Art. We all have our favorite collaborators. Some of us —  just one. Some of us a few. Have you ever thought about what pulls you back in the room with someone? 

For me, it’s that …

  • they have something I need and they need something I have. Strengths and weaknesses. We compliment each other. 

  • they like my company and I like theirs. (Important!)

  • they have a sense of humor. (Essential!) 

But mostly…it’s because their songwriting zhuzsh turns me on — my mind, that is! Ok, Ok…there have been occasions it’s been more than my mind! I do call it Songsex but not for that reason. It’s because I may walk into the room with nuthin’ and after they strum a couple of chords I’m tirggered.

One of my favorite co-writers is my UK friend Phil Thornalley** who I met when he was over on a writing trip circa 1990-something. It didn’t take long. We got right to it and never stopped. We’re still going.  

But cause we live on different continents it’s difficult. TheZoom thing just doesn’t appeal to me (I’ve heard somebody say it’s like writing with a condom on) so Phil sends me music. I’m not going to call them “tracks” because they’re not tracks. (In fact track-writing culture brings back some unsavory memories. A producer would give you dozens of beats to write to. You were so flattered they chose you. But unbeknownst to you he (or she — but usually a he) gave the same beats to everyone. We were all competing. 😩Ugh! To their credit I think producers started understanding how uncool —and unethical — it was to fling tracks to the masses cuz they don’t really do it any more. (At least not to me.) But I digress. 

Anyway, Phil’s ditties are undeniable highly tasty organic 3-minute experiences. Often there’s a melody included (half a topline already written!) which ordinarily I would find restrictive, but I dig his melodies so it’s all good. 

Collaborating should be enjoyable! and somewhat effort-free. Recently a mentee told me she was completely stuck coming up with lyrics for some music. My advice: lean in. relax, take breaks and then if she still wasn’t getting anything Move On. It’s not fun forcing something you’re not feeling because you don’t want to disappoint a co-writer. There are peeps who’s company I enjoy immensely but with whom I can’t write a note. All good. We go to lunch. 

That’s not the case with Phil though. Even if I’m not in the mood to write as soon as I press play something takes over. The words start flowing and before I know it I’m done with a whole song. And then I’m completely smitten with it. (The lyrics to “George And John”, our love-letter to the Beatles, fell from the sky in the course of 24 hours. )

Last year when I was in London we started “For The Dreamers” (posted below). He threw it back across the pond a few weeks ago which was timely —  because well, I don’t know about you but I’ve definitely gone dark on more than one occasion over the last many months and the positive essence boosted my spirits. 

A go-to co-writer is someone who continually delights you. One who never stops inspiring you. They bring out “colors” you didn’t know you had. They make you feel like you’re the sh*t and, because they believe in you, you’re on your game when you’re with them. Little do they know it’s because they are special. They are having an effect on you! Maybe we need to let them know more often how much we appreciate them. 

Phil recorded and released “For The Dreamers” (the song he threw across the pond) a few days ago under his artist moniker Astral Drive. I hope it lets some sun shine into your eyes. 

This one’s For The Dreamers 

You know who you are

Don’t let the non-believers 

Get into your ❤️

Feel free to tell about or post a pic one of your favorite collaborators in the thread below. Let’s honor the creative spirit of the people who bring out the best in us. And visa versa. 

Here’s our song:

You can also hear it on…




**Phil’s talents are diverse and his creativity doesn’t have shelf-life. He’s written hits (Torn — Natalie’ Imbruglia), toured in bands (Bryan Adams) has a weekly podcast (Songstripper). YT’s @Lojinx writes “Phil Thornalley continues his quixotic adventures into 70s inspired aural delights with a new batch of Astral Drive songs for 2021.”


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