American Song Contest

Do you remember when the entire country fell in love and accompanied Kelly Clarkson on her American Idol journey in 2002 — back when a ‘singing competition’ was a new and novel concept? I do.

Since taking the crown in season 1 Kelly’s become a household name. She’s had Platinum albums and countless hits. I enjoy her pithy Wayfair presence. I’m thrilled when she performs songs I’ve written on “Kellyoke” (the opening segment of The Kelly Clarkson Show). She’s won GRAMMYs and MTV Video Music Awards,  American Music Awards,  Country Music Awards, and Daytime Emmy Awards

Girl must have a bionic sleep mask and black-out blinds. 

And now she’s co-hosting (with Snoop Dogg) NBC’s American Song Contest which pits representatives of the 50 US states and territories against each other to compete for the title of Best Original Song. 

Have you seen it? Or do you have (as I have), reality competition fatigue?

That said…I was curious. So I asked my hubby to record the series and last night I pressed play on a random episode. 

Snoop is reading pre-written TV-perfect copy. Sounds very un-Snoop if you ask me. Kelly reads her copy in a higher-than-normal pitch and volume. Trying hard in sequins and leggings. I wonder if she’d rather be at home in pajamas watching somebody else host the show. But hey … when streaming rates still suck and covid continues to challenge touring schedules, it’s a gig. A (very well) paid gig. So I get it. 

Here are my thoughts:

Though most contestants are unknowns, marquis brightening Jewel (Alaska) and Michael Bolton (Connecticut) are in the line-up as well. It’s been a while since either of them have charted so I’m guessing they have singles coming out? But like I said … it’s a paid gig! So why not? I would. But nobody’s asking me. 😢

Before each hopeful takes the stage we of course hear their story. Their hardship. Their sobriety. They were living in their car. But when under the spotlight there are no amateurs. All contestants are well-rehearsed, professionally-styled accomplished vocalists. Media trained, camera friendly. Not nervous AT ALL. Kinda makes me miss the innocence of AI. 

Also…there’s no sparing any expense when it comes to stage design. We’ve got staircases, video screens, holograms, theatrics, role playing, full ensembles. During one of the performances Adam walks in the room and says, “Wait, I thought you were watching a song contest. What’s with the smoke and the birds flying around?”  

“Honeeeee”…. I reply! “You can’t just get up on stage any more and sing a song without stuff going on. Lotsa stuff.” 

And what of songwriters who don’t perform? Where do they fit in? And their songs. “True Colors” (Tom Kelly/Billy Steinberg) wouldn’t have had a chance.

Ok. I am admittedly jaded. And cynical. But I mean is this really about songs? Or about entertainment, advertising, ratings (Jewel and Michael) and profit? After all Songland’s contestants had to sign their publishing rights over to ‘the show.’ TV’s music-business pay to play. I’m not saying that’s the arrangement here. In fact I’ve heard otherwise. But the state vs. state thing feels contrived — another gimmick (or excuse) to put forth yet another talent competition. That said the ‘competing territories’ theme worked for the (not too shabby) Eurovision Song Contest. 

As you can see, I’m conflicted. 😳

But here’s the thing (she says at the end of the rant): as much as I enjoy poking fun … I absolutely LOVE THE SONGS. I do. Texas’ Bieber-esque Grant Knoche (he might want to change that) and his entry “Mr. Independent” (could it be more SEO agreeable with Kelly’s “Miss Independent”? ) is totally legit. Hooky and clever. Tennessee’s Tyler Braden and his soulful and nostalgic country ballad “Seventeen” pretty much shut me up. New Jersey’s girl-next-door Brook Alexx professes she’s put down the camera in “I Don’t Take Pictures Anymore” even though her IG says otherwise….

Still, she is thoroughly adorable — someone I can imagine being friends with if I were 20. The lyric in itself is pretty deep-ish (although the fun-loving nature of the performance would tell you otherwise.) 

Done wasting nights behind a lens

Maybe it's fine if I forget

Guess I'm just waiting

For something worth framing

There are more and they’re all, as Diane Warren would say, Realsongs — written in complete and understandable sentences, with solid concepts, strong obvious hooks … and heart. Seriously. I wish I wrote each and every one. And … I appreciate that the show runners haven’t insisted on mutilating the song structures like they did on Idol when all we got to hear was 1 verse, 1 chorus, a bridge, a modulated last hook, the money note and then…out you go!  

Listen, I’m a song junkie — a sucker for smart memorable ear candy. And this show has ‘em. It’s nice to know those kinds of songs are still being written. And taken seriously. (They’re just not as prevalent on Hits 1.)   

So maybe I’m missing the point. Maybe even I would be bored merely watching and listening to ppl coming out and merely singing. What a crazy idea! Even I am used to the lights, the multiple camera angles, the action.

But could Tracy Chapman have survived this business model?

We cut to a commercial in which Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus sing that T-Mobil anthem, “Do It For The Phones!” Really? I guess they need the gig too. It’s super cheesy but … hard to turn down Super Bowl Bucks! (I much prefer their live duet of “Joleen.”) 


We’re back. Kelly and Snoop announce that real time votes are already coming in from across the country. 

Did you vote? Do you know who won? Did you watch? Do you care? Not rhetorical. Or cynical. I’m interested. LMK. 

Here’s your winner. After all those great songs! 😳

Oh and…

It’s been a while time since I had a talk this in depth about navigating the Songwriter Life. My pal Alita Guillen asked the questions on her podcast 10 Seconds To Air. I answered. I hope u enjoy should you choose to listen 😊. Click us to listen on Apple Podcasts. (She’s also on Sp😡tify but we don’t like to mention Sp😡tify.)

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I See You, Mom